

What are Adlerian lifestyle Assessments and why do we behave and think the way we do?

Adler was an early psychologist who focused much of his work to understanding children and their social and behavioral development. He believed that much of our personalities and beliefs (or lifestyles as Adler termed them) were developed through the experiences we have early in life and more importantly, how we perceive and understand those experiences.

What are Adlerian lifestyle Assessments and why do we behave and think the way we do? Read More »

How long should you wait before going to couples counseling?

Unfortunately, most couples wait about 7 years too long before reaching out for help. There are several reasons why you shouldn’t wait to go to couples counseling if you’re experiencing problems in your relationship: It’s easier to fix problems earlier: The earlier you seek help for problems in your relationship, the easier it is to

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What 7 questions should you ask to find the right couples counselor for you?

When searching for the right couples counselor, it’s important to ask the following questions to ensure that you find someone who is a good fit for you and your partner: 1. What is your approach to couples therapy? There are many different styles and models of couples counseling and not every approach will feel right

What 7 questions should you ask to find the right couples counselor for you? Read More »

Help I feel Alone in my Relationship. Can Couples Therapy Help?

What is Emotional Neglect Within a Romantic Relationship? Emotional neglect is when an individual’s emotional needs are consistently ignored or inadequately met by important people in their lives. Emotional neglect can occur in various forms, including failing to provide emotional support, failing to acknowledge or respond to an individual’s emotional expressions or needs, failing to

Help I feel Alone in my Relationship. Can Couples Therapy Help? Read More »

What are the Benefits of Couples Therapy? Does it Really Work?

Couples therapy, is designed to help couples work through their problems and improve their relationship. By meeting with a trained therapist it can help you and your partner to discussing issues in your relationship related to a variety of areas such as communication, trust, intimacy, and conflict resolution. While you may be hesitant to seek

What are the Benefits of Couples Therapy? Does it Really Work? Read More »