

Love Bombing

Love is a term often filled with happy and wonderful feelings or memories while the term bomb is typically associated with danger and disaster. So what is love bombing? Love bombing is found in a romantic relationship when one partner showers the other with love and affection in an almost overwhelming way. The person who […]

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Taken Out of Context

Taken Out of Context RNS photo by Adelle M. Banks. https://religionnews.com/2018/11/27/museum-highlights-slave-bible-that-focuses-on-servitude-leaves-out-freedom/ The Importance of Context This is a pic of the “Slave Bible.” It is missing 90% of the Old Testament and 50% of the New Testament. It told of Joseph’s enslavement but left out the parts where Moses led the Israelites to freedom. While

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Fear and Shame?

Are you Trapped by Fear and Shame? Fear and shame can be motivating, but not in a positive way. Is it helpful to say, “I can’t believe I had that thought, what is wrong with me?” or “You have it so great, why would you think something like that?” Recently, someone expressed how exhausting it

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Help! I have Insurance and NO CLUE how it works!

Deductible, Coinsurrance, Copay are they trying to speak English? First let’s break it down for an elementary lesson in insurance. If you have little understanding of what deductible, coinsurance, and copay mean, you are in the majority of people we work with (Including many therapists!) So don’t feel bad! Insurance lingo is unfortunately overcomplicated sometimes

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How to be Married to a Depressed Person from Someone who has Lived it

By Jenny Beall, Therapist, MA, LPCC ©September, 2017 Threads of Hope Counseling So setting aside my experience working with people with depression on a daily basis—living with someone with this disorder is HARD!! In this I can speak from personal experience. Living with a depressed spouse can be painful, exhausting, aggravating, lonely, and overwhelming. That

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